
Celebrate your new life in Christ

When you make a commitment to Jesus, getting baptized is a way to symbolize and publicly declare that you have become a new person. Baptism is a drama of death and rebirth, of washing and renewal. 

If you've become a Christian and have not yet been baptized, or if you're considering Christianity, attend one of our upcoming baptism classes to learn more and ask questions. We'd love to walk with you.

Have more questions?

Read more about baptism below, or contact us. We'd love to help.

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The Bible tells us that after Jesus' death and resurrection, Christians began to publicly declare their commitment to Jesus by practicing baptism. the Bible also teaches that all new believers are to be baptized (e.g. Acts 2:38).

Baptism is a simple act—you stand or sit in water, go down under the surface, and come back up again. It's a symbol of dying and being reborn, which is a fitting way to symbolize the spiritual reality of becoming a new person in Jesus.

Anyone who has made a genuine profession of faith should be baptized (Matthew 28:18–19). We would love to walk with you as you take this opportunity to announce the change that has taken place in your life and proclaim that Jesus paid the penalty for your sins.

If you haven’t made a commitment to Jesus, we would still love to hear from you. We can answer questions and talk more about what it means to be a Christian.

We baptize indoors during our Sunday services, in front of the whole church. We have a small tub of water, and we have all new baptized believers wear a white robe as a symbol of the purity they have in Jesus. 

Each new believer has his testimony read by a friend, and then a pastor will take them into the tub and lean them under the water. They come up to cheers and applause from everyone there. It's one of our favorite things to do on a Sunday morning!

The first step toward baptism is attending a baptism class. These are offered regularly. Attending this class won't obligate you to be baptized—it's just an opportunity to learn more about the symbolism of baptism and have a pastor walk with you as you consider your next step.

Baptism Class is for adults who are pursuing baptism.

Family Baptism Class is for children (who have expressed interest in baptism) along with their parents. Family Baptism Class is recommended for children ages 8–12.

Upcoming Baptism Classes

  • Baptism Class

    April 27 11:00 AM

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Submit Your Baptism Testimony

Are you preparing for baptism? Send us your baptism testimony.

About Us

Sojourn Midtown is a part of the Sojourn family of churches. Our mission is to reach people with the gospel, build them up as the church, and send them into the world.

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Sojourn Midtown  1207 S Shelby St Louisville, KY 40203 · · 502 237 1122