Gospel Race Justice, Politics

Christians & Civic Engagement

Justin Giboney

September 19, 2024

Follow-Up Questions on the 10 Disciplines

from Pastor Jason Stephens
  1. Which of the 10 disciplines struck you the most? 
  2. Which disciplines do you struggle to practice? Being honest, what pitfalls would you be likely to fall into?
  3. What is your level of concern going into the election, on a scale from 0-10? (0 is complete peace and 10 is utter anxiety.)
  4. What are the specific fears or concerns you have?
  5. Read Proverbs 21:1. Why should this nugget of wisdom give us peace? If we believed this, how would it impact the way we enter the election season?
  6. Share one way you plan to put these disciplines into action.
  7. After the election, what would it look like for you to move forward constructively? 
  8. What is a local issue that you are passionate about? Is there commonality among the group? What are the next steps you or your group can take to be involved locally as it relates to this issue?

Justin's Recommended News Sources

In the video, Justin recommended a few news sources that he likes for their presentation of the issues. He emphasized that while he sometimes disagrees with their takes, he gives them credit for being intellectually honest. This makes them voices we can listen to to practice some of the disciplines he named, like being aware of the flaws on our own side, identifying the virtue on the other side, and practicing media hygiene.

Breaking Points (YouTube, also available as a podcast)

The Free Press (news site)

UnHerd (news website)

The Pour Over (email newsletter)

Justin's own (&) Campaign also hosts the weekly Church Politics Podcast (Apple, Spotify).

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Sojourn Midtown is a part of the Sojourn family of churches. Our mission is to reach people with the gospel, build them up as the church, and send them into the world.

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